But Some Mailman Pushed The Car!


She’s OK. The car’s not.


That’s what matters. So, stop drinking and driving.

What smells?


Poor BMW

poor bmw

Ummm… WTF are you thinking?


At least my hair is still alright.


Hope the other guy is alright. I feel for this really nice BMW.


What did the VW beetle did to deserve this? :(


Extreme BMW parking


Insurance. Definitely need it now.


Correct me if I am wrong. You used R instead of D. Then you slammed the gas pedal.


Another parking disaster brought to you by… VW Golf. Hit D instead of R next time.

This is how you do a side wheelie!


Must be a hot summer day when that happened

It's either a garage door failure or yours

Ok, ok... it looked like someone bumped you in the rear. So I can wildly assume it's not your fault.

Great to see your groceries and handbag... on your car's roof

Oh. Sorry! I thought it was part of the parking space.

Holy crap! How'd you do that?

Sorry but the space was narrow for me.

Poor blondie. Hope she's alright. (No sarcasm here)

That will add to your MPG.

Woman, you already had an accident and you're still on the phone?

WOW lady... WTF!?

If you love your car, never lend it to a woman

I'm not sure if the driver was a woman but how did you do that?

How you got to that predicament is beyond me